What can we help you with?

Depression is a common mental disorder affecting more than 264 million people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent sadness and a lack of interest or pleasure in previously rewarding or enjoyable activities. Â It can also disturb sleep and appetite; tiredness and poor concentration are common. Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and contributes significantly to the global burden of disease. The effects of depression can be long-lasting or recurrent and can dramatically affect a person's ability to function and live a rewarding life.
Treatment Utilized
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
3. Cognitive Reframing
2. Cognitive Challenging
4. Cognitive Refocusing
5. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
A. A deeply ingrained pattern of behavior of a specified kind that deviates markedly from the norms of generally accepted behavior, typically apparent by the time of adolescence, and causing long-term difficulties in personal relationships or in functioning in society. "this personality disorder is characterized by a lack of guilt and an inability to form lasting relationships." Borderline Personality Disorder Dissociative Personality Disorder Narsacistic Personality Disorder B. The list continues. There are various ways in which these may be treated within an individual. One of the important ways of treating these disorders is utilizing the Cognitive Theory Therapeutic Interventions. This takes time and dedication; it is unique to each individual facing this uphill battle.
Treatment Utilized
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
3. Cognitive Reframing
2. Cognitive Challenging
4. Cognitive Refocusing
5. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

Family Relationships
A family relationship can be defined as any combination of filiation or conjugal relationships that join two people directly or through a third party. Conjugality is defined in this census as a de facto cohabitation, thus independent of the legal marital status situation. We here at Rising Potential Counseling recognize that there are going to be times in which the family is going to struggle in communicating and seeing eye-to-eye; we can assist the family in healing while still taking a Person-Centered and Solution Focused therapeutic approach to ensure that the family as a whole is understood and made to feel validated and seen.
Identity Crisis
A. Personal psychosocial conflict, especially in adolescence that involves confusion about one's social role and often a sense of loss of continuity to one's personality B. A state of confusion in an institution or organization regarding its nature or direction C. In psychology, identity crisis is a stage theory of identity development where it involves resolving a conflict over the eight stages of the lifespan. German psychologist Erik Erikson coined the term.
A. lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning (one's sexual or gender identity), intersex, and asexual/aromantic/agender. B. The acronym "LGBT" has long been used to refer to the vast number of sexual orientations and gender identities that don't fall under the hetero- and cis-normative umbrella that society insists on viewing as humanity's default setting. However, the preferred acronym has been undergoing some changes in recent years, expanding to "LGBTQA+." However, while most people are familiar with what each of the letters in LGBT stands for — lesbian, gay, bisexual, and trans — not everyone knows what LGBTQA+ means.
Treatment Utilized
Knowing how to identify oneself within the community is essential and is vital to an individual's development. Here at Rising Potential Counseling, we understand that this can be an extremely confusing moment in a person's life. We are devoted to doing whatever it takes to ensure that individuals can explore who they are within a safe and non-judgmental environment.
Substance Abuse
Overindulgence in or dependence on an addictive substance, especially alcohol or drugs.
Here at Rising Potential Counseling, we treat individuals who are abusing the following substances
Alcohol Use Disorder
Amphetamine Use Disorder
Opioid Use Disorder
Stimulant Use Disorder
Cannabis Use Disorder
At Rising Potential Counseling, we have professionals who specialize in treating individuals diagnosed with any substance use disorders.
A. A deeply distressing or disturbing experience. B. Emotional shock following a stressful event or a physical injury, which may be associated with physical shock and sometimes leads to long-term neurosis. C. In general, trauma can be defined as a psychological, emotional response to an event or an experience that is deeply distressing or disturbing. When loosely applied, this trauma definition can refer to something upsetting, such as being involved in an accident, having an illness or injury, losing a loved one, or going through a divorce.
Crisis Intervention
Crisis intervention is an immediate and short-term emergency response to mental, emotional, physical, and behavioral distress. Crisis interventions help restore an individual's equilibrium to their biopsychosocial functioning and minimize the potential for long-term trauma or distress. Certified crisis intervention counselors conduct many crisis interventions at hospitals, clinics, social services, drug rehab centers, or an individual's home. Crisis counseling is not intended to provide psychotherapy or similar treatment but offers a short-term intervention to help clients receive assistance, resources, stabilization, and support.
Skill Building Groups
Advanced formation or reformation of professional and personal qualities, the mastery of new ways of solving professional problems and new methods of professional thinking, overcoming negative attitudes and the inhibitory influence of experience, changing the motivational and operational sphere of professional activity, the emergence of the person himself as a subject of further training. Team building refers to the activities undertaken by groups of people to increase their motivation and boost cooperation. Many people use the phrases "team-building" and "teamwork" interchangeably. However, they are two distinct concepts. While team building emphasizes the creation of groups, teamwork emphasizes the functions of these groups.
Substance Abuse
Crisis intervention is an immediate and short-term emergency response to mental, emotional, physical, and behavioral distress. Crisis interventions help restore an individual's equilibrium to their biopsychosocial functioning and minimize the potential for long-term trauma or distress. Certified crisis intervention counselors conduct many crisis interventions at hospitals, clinics, social services, drug rehab centers, or an individual's home. Crisis counseling is not intended to provide psychotherapy or similar treatment but offers a short-term intervention to help clients receive assistance, resources, stabilization, and support.

Personality Disorders
A. A deeply ingrained pattern of behavior of a specified kind that deviates markedly from the norms of generally accepted behavior, typically apparent by the time of adolescence, and causing long-term difficulties in personal relationships or in functioning in society. "this personality disorder is characterized by a lack of guilt and an inability to form lasting relationships."
Borderline Personality Disorder
Dissociative Personality Disorder
Narsacistic Personality Disorder
B. The list continues. There are various ways in which these may be treated within an individual. One of the important ways of treating these disorders is utilizing the Cognitive Theory Therapeutic Interventions. This takes time and dedication; it is unique to each individual facing this uphill battle.
Treatment Utilized
1. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
3. Cognitive Reframing
2. Cognitive Challenging
4. Cognitive Refocusing
5. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy